Tuesday 26 February 2008

nuff forest

the psycadelic forest went down well.....

heres one that spins....

Tuesday 19 February 2008

what i went and done

ive got it now so it dont clear the screen,and it builds up slowly.the voice phase works left to right on its lenght...
not sure it works,but pleased with the timing...
it works on a 4.22 sample loop at a ration of 1:1.2:1.1 and take i think 4.33 mins to revolve to the begining
the samples from my mate jony easterby..dont know where he got it from, he's not a lady..he's the boss.

now is the pan time....

same again as before but this time the y controls pan as well as pitch....

enough of these i could carry on all day,mapping this on to that....now to make summat..

pitch phasing

set up the same as the last,but now the y swing controls the pitch

using em to phase sounds

on this exampes im using 3 sine waves
working at a ratio of 1:1.5:2
and the base time is 2 seconds
as each waves cycle starts a sample is triggered.the whole process takes 12 seconds to get to equal phase.
it works ...at each turn the pendulem makes the sound is triggered....now to mess around with this....

psychedelic forest

we is getting into freaky shit here....

Squares and sines

heres a couple of examples using 2 squares and a sine. in the first example the sine is the y axis....in the second tis the x axis

groovey hey?in a kraftwerk style...